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Widen your net of actionable data with long-term follow-up capture

Patient-reported outcomes

To get the full picture of a patient’s health, track outcomes, and determine the long-term success of treatments, not only do you need quality data, but you also need complete data. But sometimes it’s not enough to rely solely on your own resources for data collection, especially when the patient is no longer making regular visits to your care center.   

Fivos’ Patient Reported Outcomes

Vascular care centers and other organizations can have hundreds of patients participating in patient-reported outcomes (PRO) collections. Clinic staff are often tasked with tracking PRO assessment completion, but lack the tools that allow them to be aware of when a patient is at risk of missing their assessment window without completion.

Fivos’ clinical registry solution includes a Patient-Reported Outcomes (PRO) component, which facilitates the collection of patient-reported outcomes for individual patients. With Fivos’ PRO, patients and their caregivers are considered experts on the experience of their condition, with their perspective bringing value to conversations and consultations and defining the importance of commonly used outcomes, such as length of hospital stay.  


Simplify patient-reported outcomes with a patient-centric data collection solution. 

Pre-op Feedback

Expand the data available for clinicians’ research with feedback from the pre-op through various follow-up stages

Patient Portal Access

Alleviate the burden on patients and caregivers with patient portal access and communication tailored to their preferences

Patient Follow-ups

Effectively manage and follow up with patients falling behind on PRO assessment

Interactive Patient Records

Gain visibility into the status of PRO completion and the details of assessments through interactive patient records reports and score summary dashboards

Interested in our clinical registry solutions? Get in touch.